
It’s National Pollinator Week!

National Pollinator Week this year is June 17 – 23. It’s an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health, to celebrate pollinators, and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. Pollinator Week was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership, and fourteen years ago the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approval

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National Poison Prevention Week

In 1961, Congress established National Poison Prevention Week to raise awareness, reduce unintentional poisonings, and promote poison prevention. It is sponsored by the National Poison Prevention Week Council; this year it is March 17-23. America’s Poison Centers represents 55 poison centers across the country, focused on preventing every poison and toxin-related health emergency in America.

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Protect Nature’s Clean-up crew! 

Vultures get a bad rap. Generally thought of as ugly scavengers, vultures are easy to dismiss.  Even naturalist Charles Darwin described them as ‘disgusting’. But when you look more closely, you’ll realize the world is better off with vultures. Although these enormous birds display some odd behaviors, they play a crucial role in the environments

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